Feb 21, 2008

The conversation with a devil

I walked down a road one day,
With a man, who really was not there.
He told me what I needed to hear,
He told me what I knew.
He told things, I would not even tell myself,
He told me for he was the devil.

The story is at A conversation with the devil.

P.S. The narrative style is borrowed from Fyodor Dostoevsky's 'The Brothers Karamazov'.


Anonymous said...

If you dont agree with the existence of a god. o you agree with the existence of a devil. If you dont agree witht he existence of a devil how can you speak to him.

aditya said...

@ Anonymous
I never said that I believed in the devil, as the opposite of god. As I mentioned in the story, the devil is a hallucination, the worst of whatever is a person. I did not say that he is the devil, responsible for the maintenance of hell. He did not speak to the devil, He spoke to his own personal devil.