May 31, 2007

The wait

Why do we wait? For someone, with someone?
Why is the time that we spend waiting, seem to be validated when they arrive?

The story as usual is at
The wait


Let the inspirer know that I have been inspired!

May 25, 2007

The lovers


The story is at The lovers


May 19, 2007

The Marriage

A visit,
A life changing contract.
Unknown 'til yesterday,
Not known today,
Forever yours tomorrow.

The story is at The Marriage

Let the inspirer know,

The inspired drew inspiration.


May 9, 2007

The End

Is revenge an answer? Can I take an eye for an eye?
If you have hurt me can I take it out on your brethren?

This story is a first person narrative of a feeling close to the hearts of millions in India.

The story is at ~
The End
