Jul 25, 2007

Coffee Machine

2 beds
And a coffee machine
I run,
I hide
From what
I do not know
From whom
I do not care

The story is at Coffee Machine


Jul 16, 2007


An obstacle,
Physical, mental.
Conquest physical, mental?

The story is at Emergence


One - by - Two

Are we one?
Or two in one?

A tribute.

The story is at One by Two


The Invitation

An invitation,
To share dreams
Once dreamt,
Can they be re-dreamt?

The story is at Invitation


Jul 4, 2007


One Man,

(Accepted that this seems to be the cheesy title of some 'B' Grade Hindi movie. I am not able to come up with something better!!!!!)

The story is at


P.S. (I am opening a can of worms, I know it! If you have a problem with the ideals, we can have a discussion)