Feb 8, 2007

The morning jog

What does one do when they do not find meaning in their lives? Do they find meaning in theirs or try to belittle others so that theirs seems better?

A try at a a third person narration.

The story itself is at

The morning jog

Comments as usual are welcome



Uttara Ananthakrishnan said...

hmm..a very different one...ESP FOR THE FACT that i was bout to write a blog on my new practice of morning walks..sigh..there goes my topic...but on whole a very diff apprach..could sense u in buying i pod with first salary and yeah..perspective is wat it takes...reminds me of a blog i read sometime before....


as for teh story, let me tell u..beautifully presnted...

Suchi said...

Read this post at 4.30 AM, was the first thing I read today:) Don't ask how...just jumped in here for a link, and started reading.

And yeah. 'Comments'.

Of all the stories you have written on this blog till date, this is my least favourite. (For the record, my faves are 'The Baby Issue' and 'I walk alone', the former for the story itself...it was capital, the latter for the character of Arun with whom I could identify myself)

The intro says, 'A try at third person narration'...isn't 'I' first person? So isn't it first person narrative?

Anirban. I liked the name. And BTW, why is it that all your male protogonists have names that start with the letter 'A'? Arun, Abhishek, Anirban? Any specific reason?

This guy is a real loser. That's what you wanted to say, right? Well, kudos. you got the point across. If that's NOT what you wanted to say, I'm sorry, I did not get any other message.

I liked the plot narrative...Anirban's pessimistic appraisals of the fellow joggers. I especially identified with the story of the power-hungry-girl who refuses the homely boy, primarily because I'm writing something on similar lines right now.

"Happiness is not a state of the mind; it is a
state of existence. I am happy; I see that others around me are not."
"When one compares it with the lives that the others are leading, I am well off. It is just a point of perspective, a point of view."

Anirban sickens me. That's what you wanted to do right? To make your reader hate the guy? You have done that very well. So, your writing gets 8.5/10 for this piece. The story itself, the character, makes me puke. Hence my least favourite story yet.